Hadier Mohammed Zidan


Hadier Mohammed Zidan



Degree Field Uni and Faculty Date
B.Sc Chemistry and Bio-chemistry Faculty of science, Helwan University, EGYPT 2011
Pre master inorganic Chemistry Faculty of Science, Helwan university 2014
Master Powder Metallurgy, Effect of nanographene addition and mechanical milling on the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of s390 high speed steel prepared by powder metallurgy technique Faculty of Science , Helwan university 2021

Professional Experience

Date Organization Position
2012- Now Central Metallurgical R & D Institute (CMRDI), Egypt Engineer

Research Interests:

• Powder metallurgy, mechanical alloying.
• Coating of particles with nano powder such as silver, copper by electroless deposition technique.
• Copper, Aluminum, Nickel & Iron Composite materials manufacturing by powder technology.


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